Once agian i managed to get myself on a plane. This time for Sokane, Washington. 'Your going to Sokane to die Chris!" One of the many things my Wife pleaded/begged/got loud about...almost threatend, bouncing around in my head all flight. OBVIOUSLY, none the less"The only easy day was yesterday" Dumb ass.
My work was slowly beginig to key in on what was up with me. Jason peirce met me at the pick up, jumped out of the truck ran in the airport, grabed my bags for me and loaded them himself. So there was communication between branches about my "Status" yet still chose to let me roll the dice. "They're giving me all the rope i cared to take. Seemed another one of my own princeples was putting me to its test. Recognizing this "I shall finish the game." Time as always, holds the noose,trap door and lever, ooooooooooooor the ability to William Tell yourself trough it all.
It was when we left the airport that a new issue made its first appearence. As we pulled out on the interstate Jay went to merge with trafic. Cars go flyin by as usual but what not usual was the phyicidelic type tracers folowing right behind the traffic. "Is this what they warned me about in school.. A flash back?" Was in my head! All the lights everywhere. The small street lights would not stay stationary, they all seemd to move around or rotate in there own cycle or repitition, not fast, all very slowly. I was totaly aware that Jason was not seeing these things. This was very alarming and truely frightning. If i toid Jayson what i was seeing "Knowing you Chris you got some bad shrooms or Acid or something." And he may have been right, had i not givin that shit up with my youth. This was going to have to stay with me. No dbout, which was terrifying not being able to "debriff" about the "phanaminon." All i could do was observe things that would cause this condition to improve or decline. The one thing i found that worked: Stay out of the dark.
Jay droped me off at my porn set on Skidrow. They put me on the second floor. Yeah, no elevator, i was truly concerned about the stairs. I began to count how many times a day i would use them. "Once for work and back. Once for dinner. Smokes? Fuck, there's no tellin." The stair wells were concrete, no carpet, no tackey sandy paint, nothin. Whith the chance encounterwith a junky a ladie of the night or a fuckin Troll. If i took a Humpty Dumpty, there's no tellin my fate.
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