Saturday, May 12, 2012

You have ;2

Once agian the sandpaper sheets were forceing the sleep fully clothed issue, but even that had become not enough. The "sand" had infultrated every kind of fabric  i used to combat the abrasive texture. Not only that, it had increased it's relestate to include virtualy my whole body. Cope was...Words cant describe the new degree of anguish my mind was having to chew on or the amount of hate i had for cope itself. Somehow that first night i snuck in maybe a couple hours?
My Endurance levels, i dont belive had ever been pushed as they had been. Like off a fucking cliff. Recovery was so little to nonexistant. Even with my new non alcohol diet. The Marlboros were a killer. When i took a drag it was as if the smoke bypassed my lungs entirely and went strate to my muscles particularly my legs. It would feel like some sort  hardner was being pumped into my muscles. Being up in Spokane alone dealing with what seemed to be..My existance being erased? Quiting smoking had crossed my mind and mind was like "Hell no!!" no booze, no drugs besides the ibuprofin. No other way to deal with the anxity? No we were gonna be stupid and smoke.
Going down the stairs the next morning was the best i would do the whole time there. On the drive in, agian the visuals were spookey, just had to sit there and "trip" alone. Ibuprofin 800 and the Sysco blend coffee was breakfast. Rockstar and an apple for second breakfast, anything that could instill anykind of refined, focused energy. Legal, illegal i really could not have cared. Although i stumbled upon at lunch one day, Subway gave me a boost. It was so noticable that i insisted Subway at lunch everyday.
Funny enough there was'nt much climbing to be done. On those days i was sent with one hell of a groundman. Mike. On days i did'nt climb i was put on the boom truck with another great individual. Scott Topp. It was Scott that one day while doing a pruning job asked "Hey Chris, whats going on with that club foot you got going there?" "Scott it's like this." Confiding only some, of what was happening to me. "I dont know what the fuck i got! Hey man, what the fuck are richets?" He began laughing his ass off. "Chris i dont think you have to worry about fuckn Richets buddy." "Thank god! that weight's off my shoulders!" laughing along with him. Somehow still a sence of humor. I was gonna need it for the 10,000 dys that lye ahead.
There was one day i climed with Scott as my "RIO" . I mention this only because this was the first/only/last time scott whitnessed my climbing. If Scott had any dbouts he sure did a good job of holding his tounge. We were in a white ash tree that needed to be cut away from the fourth floor back to its collar. The cuts needed to be rigged so as to break nothing. Lucly i hit a decent rigg point for myself and it was a very good thing. Getting my spikes to puch into the hardwood, was "like fuckin Bambi on the ice" i muttered to myself catpawing my way up the latteral. We still got the work completed relitively quiickly, with  absolutely nothing left. Well, i was able to lean on my tool (rake).
As the days wound up, so to did the skys. Nodding off for the ride to my dwelling was nothing butt serious dreaming watching the lights begin there show as blue got darker and darker.
My second night was the only night i went moonlighting alone to the bowling ally/casino/ nasty skeeeeeeezzzah depot across a 4 lane auto-ban that had stop lights about 1/2 mile in eather direction. "Fuck that shit!" i kinda made the decision before i even looked. When i did look, the coast was clear. With a brisk shuffel i started off. About 3/4s the way through my first set of lanes lights began moving and the end of the next set. "Oooooh shit..." In my mind "we're committed jim." About 1/2 way throughthe first lane "Hope er ready ta see Montana tonight! DeeBee Cooper style!!" and began waving my arms "Hope they see the dumbass inthe road." As i finished the sententence the car in the final lane spoted me "Your damn lucky jim" and was allowed across. The food was fit for a bbilly goat "When in Rome" The waitresses were as hot as fresh buffalo chips. Getting back to my nest, i swore i was going to the cross walk at the light. About twenty feet into that journey "All hope is lost!" That walk probibly would have taken me in my conditiontill 2 or 3 in the morning. Once agian "Fuck the dumb shit!!" This time i made it across with the stealth of a crack head and was alowed safe passage.


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