Sunday, May 13, 2012

You have ;3

The fact that i was getting work done had alot too with the excelent work ethic of the folks i was paired up with. All i had to do was climb, rigg and cut. I would begin to drag  a limb and Scott would just  "What? Gimme that Chris." and just  take it from me. I just gave up on draging anything.
When it came to climbing. I think i climed mabe four trees and the concern for falling was after Big Whisky, non existant. The climbing i did on laddders on the other hand, scared the shit out of me. Tri-pod orchard ladders is what most companys use. They have a multitude of uses. One of wich is falling over should u become offbalance or top heavy due to swinging around a chain saw or getting over zelous with an over extended pole saw. Maybe someone like me just unexpectedly just falls...maybe just jump..
Insomniea was someting i was vagely familier with. Not now. I would just lay in bed and listen to the TV and stair at the ceiling, turn and look at the clock seemed like every twenty minutes. One night i though a nice hot shower would do the trick. Trick being they key word here. This caused my vision to go all to shit. Weakness was instant, i could barely turn off the water. It took about 15 minutes of just laying on the bottom of the tub before i could get to my feet and zombie my way back to bed and wait for my alarm too go off.
The las three days i've began to refur to as the "True grit days" yeah i ripped it off . Thats not to leed anyone to belive I was anything like "Rooster" No, more like the dude Rooster and the girl stumble accross that had been strung way up in the tree. "Perhaps in hopes that it would make him more dead."
Mike and i were paired up for a "Fuels reduction" job. Beyond what the locals refer to as the south hill. A retired gentalman from California transplanted himself to a very nice chunk of realestate there. The property was full of pine trees in areas that were concerning him. He was useing language and jargen that only a Firefighter or someone who has been involved in fire would use or understand. Thats when i also found out Mike is a Fire brother from the old school. Come to find out he fought in the Yellowstone Fires of the late 80's. It totaly explained his work ethic. We were able to complete the clear cut along the sides of the road into the home and begin some of the thining on the southeast slope the first day.
The clearcut part of the job was mostly stands of regen and smaller stuff on a very gradual slope so i was able to drag the 200t aroud with me. I do mean drag, my legs were not cooperating that morning. My left leg moreso than the right one. With alot of the smaller trees so close together i was able to stay down on my left knee and sort of "kick stand" my way around  on ahe slope, but when i would go to stand, it would be all whabely sometime i would just colapse. There were acouple of times i had to throw my 200 to avoid being dismembered by my own saw. It was noticeable as hell, the homeowner began asking "Are you alright?" I explained a little of what was up with me. If it would have been my turf, i think i would have called my insurance agent perhaps chase some dumbass tree people off my yardage with a 12 gauge.. But the old man just looked at me and said "You need to see a Neuroligist son." He had to have been thinking "This company flew this guy all the way from Salt lake and put him on my turff!! This guy's a fucking specialist!!?"
After lunch my legs were way more cooperative I was able to walk the patch to be thined a little more throughaly. Mike and i began making a few cuts and droping a few trees. Afeter a few were on the ground Mike took off and came back 10 minuites later with another saw and began to half the first grounded tree, put down his saw and began what would have been an insane drag! I began looking at all the flaged trees, looked back at Mike and the trail of my fuckn tears. Once agian "Fuck that shit!"e were at the top of a steep hill that lead strate down to a section of the driveway that ran accross the bottom. Looked accross the drive for a stout tree of which there were many. "Mike stop!!" kept looking "Leave that shit right there and dont cut anything except the stumps i leave," "Well..... how are we getting this stuff outta here." "We,re gonna Ax-men this fuckin shit. We aint dragn shit." "If you say so." With a big old grin.
Back at Jabba's Palace that eve:  It was everything a wounded Bounty Hunter could expect, Misery.

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