The ride to the Hospital definatly had the auora of October,still a bit of bcolor left non the trees but not much. "We gotta go get some shots after were done here, ok?" "Lets just wait and see if your even gonna be leaving. They might admit you." "Man i seen this episode on House, i swear. Surely they'll just refer me to a Neurologist and send me home? Mmm nit's not like im die'n or anything, at least i dont think so anyway....?" "Just gotta wait and see"
Hence, a second objective was identified. To get in as many Boro's as i could before we got to the ER.
Ofcourse i was wheelchaired in. They did a very thurough, physical exam. This would scar me, as i had reached a milestone, the first time someone put they'r finger up my ass. I have been an EMT, and could not for the dignity of me figure out what he was going to find out by doing this "You gonna kiss me when your done?" A disgusted look and a "It's gotta be done." When he did this, i was instantly reminded of my dog.
Bear was an Akita. This breed has scent glands in they'r ass. From time to time they can plug up and become inflamed. What leeds an owner to suspition is excesive licking in the area. The next step is to drain them, it has to be done manualy. Posesing the mouth of a Wolverine and the temperment to match. I tied his ass up to a chainlink fence to oparate.
Not having a latex glove i McGruberd one with a Trojan. Wanting to make sure Bear kept all possible dognanty and K-mility, i rinced all the spermicide lube and used raw eggwhite. Bear had a gaaze on me luben up like he knew exacly what was going to be attemted. It took me two attempts. Bear became a Kodiak as my finger just baerly made any contact. Three times i had to retie him until finely, he went from Kodiak to whining puppy. "I'm so sorry Bear...i swear your gonna be glad i did this..."
After going though the whole SAMPLE history bit and tests on all the matter extracted from me. The MS discussion began and ended with the admitance into "Mcdunn Dee" Hospital. They then aranged acat scan. That ment my 6 gage had to come out. Luckly the tech had a pipe wrench and vise grips! The next step was an MRI. After that is when i met Dr's Dill and Weeds. Dr Dill was the one who explained "You have Quite a few Black Spots on your brain and spine. They are a signature of the damage done by MS." This is when i recived my MS 101 from Dr Dill who was very vage with his discriptions and took few questions. a lousy Professer for my Intro to MS education. Dr Weeds on the other hand was a bit more informative and provided more discriptive answers. He told my wife "He's got more spots than i have ever personaly seen."
My insurance dictated i have a spinal puncture for indisputable proof thatn only my Cirebrel spinal fluid could provide. At this hospital this required a trip to Radioligy. I remember the epidural's Teri got delivering our kids. After curling up in a ball its followed by somenerve wracking words "K now, DONT MOVE A HAIR. Your gonna feel some pressure." It's a spooky fuckin deal. The actual pain is quite minimal, it's the idea of someone putting a needle in your spinaltcord that really messes with your head that could induce shock for some.
"Stay on your back and keep your movements to a minumum for 2-3 days. Alow that hole to seel itself. Or it'll start leaking and you 'll have one hell of a headache and it wont go away. You'll have to comeback. The only way to stop it's with a Bloodpatch." That same day Dr Weeds was wanting me to preform some test's that required me to stand and try to walk. To whicth i protested with what the Radioligist instructed me to do. He countered with "If its gonna leek it would have already begun."
The fact that i had lost that ability to walk was bittersweet. No risking any leakage (so i thought). But was i really not gonna walk agian? When the results from my puncture came back, a three day course of steroids was begun. Dr Dill informed me "You have Mutipal Sclrosis."
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