Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So wont cha ;2

I dont know if it was Dr Dill, Dr weeds and staff, the Diagnoses, the whole experence or the fact i desperately whanted/needed a fuckin shot 3-4 days ago. Eather way the three rounds of steroids pumped life back into my legs and they were intent on gettin my ass to a bar stool.
When it came time to exit the hospital, Dr Dill gave me some numbers told me to call and make an apointment soon as he was booked outb 2 and a half months as it was. Everything he said to me sounded like "Blah blah blaah blaaaaaaaaaaah." Except the booked out 2 1/2 part to which an anger switch fliped in my head. Just then we decided Dr Dill Was a douch to the uber degree and he's fired! "Comon man its Barstools antd Dreamer's time." I could not get out of that place fast enough.
Teri and i left strait away to the Huddle for some liquid ignorance. It's really hard to explain any kind of thought process. A form of denile i suppose. One thing i do know. I was gonna "kick MS's ass! I've had my ass handed to me many times! There aint nothing this thing can do to me that aint been done before!! Lets dance bitch!!"  The band was already playing. A tune never herd yet i was determined to leed.
The time i was away from work was a serious threat to my familys livlyhood. It was about 3 days longer than i had vacation time to cover. The Maintenence and Applicators each donated some of his/her time to cover me. This would be the first of  a series of gestures from my Brothers/sisters at my home unit. I am still so touched when  i think about it......Thank you all so much!!
There was one day of chill time before it was time to resume the game. While we doing the big whisky tree, we were able to pick up another removal scheduled for saturday. Duane skined it out about half way. Put a rope in it,ran it through a block we set in another tree and ran it to the Cummins. Putting Duane under the tree was out of the question,the tree had a lean that was imposing on the cabin hence all the rigging. If something went wrong under there, it was gonna be ME that fucked it up.
My head and neck were really begining to ache like never before. I began the day with 2-Perkesets, 1 more at noon, and the magic began to where off around 2:00. I dont think we finished until around 5:00. Agian Duane had to round up everything, load it all and sdrive us home. Let me say that a leak in your spinal cord is so debilitating!
When you fell a tree optimaly you want at least two escape routes should something go wrong. Well i had them  alright, it was the using them that posed my dilemma, so my face cut had to be right on. When my face cut was completed is when all the insect dammage showed its face. With the majority of heart wood turnd dust and a bit of a cat face it was imparitive the back cut be done "golf pro" like.
We were able to get it to the earth, i gotta say it wasnt as precise as i would have liked, but hell, cabin still standing as was i (barely) "I'll take it" and we got it cleaned up. It was a good thing it all went so well, my neck had pushed my working limits. It (neck) would not let me raise my head with out it feeling like a noose was on the verge of breaking it, i was brought to tears several times.
This was the last time i was in Lambs Canyon, for as much beauty as she held, i was taxed dearly for it.
The next day i was in the Er agian, this time it was no mystery i did'nt recive the superbowl ring treatment, nope, i was sent strait to radiology for the dreaded blood patch.
The technition explained it to me. They take 20cc's of blood out of me to reinject back at the puncture site. Your spinalcord comtains nerves and CSF thats it. No blood, which makes cloting very difficult. "Did you follow the instructions and stay flat for a couple days?" "No maaan, Dr Weed's told me otherwise and had mes up and try to stand like 2 hours after you did the puncture." "What Dr told you this!?" Dr Weed's was full of shit!! The patch was way more painful. The words "Your gonna feel alot of pressure. K here we go DONT MOVE AT ALL." He was right about there being alot of pressure. There was much more than the first time. So much more it caused me to shutter and flintch with the needle in me!  "Chris you,ve got to stay compleaty still" i could hear the urgentcy in his voice and i was really trying to but my body was giving me the finger. Fully aware of what could happen moving with the needle in my back, i was desperetly trying to still myself. Between the pain and the uncontrolable moving i lost control of myself and the waterworks along with some very loud F bombs comenced. Just then one of the techs began to comfort me almost as if she was my girlfriend. Runing her fingers along the back of my neck and whispering assurences to me.Thank God for her, the spasing decreased substantualy.
 "You should be feeling alot better in a couple of hours.That blood willplug that hole up nicely."

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