Monday, January 30, 2012

I've #5

( In the tune of "Donkey") " On the road agiaaaaaaaaaaaaan!! Are we there yet? Are we there yet?") I had'nt even made it to Twin yet (Falls). The last 3 days, seemed like "The Master Cheif" was puting my resolve  and determination to the test. Every time i was able to negotiate an obstical, sometimes i was able to enjoy,the light on the otherside, it would be short lived with an even gnarlyer obstical (tree) right behind it. That was a perspective. The reality was. I WAS SICK. Whith what it really did'nt matter. OBVIOUSLY i needed some serious Medical intervention. Ahh, but There in lye's the problem. I was pretty sure what ever was wrong with me, was going to require more than the usual 48 hour mirical cure." Neuroligist?!"  For all i knew that ment "open brain surgery! (I watch House!)  Then i thought about them (Doctors) zapin parts of my brain while i was awake. "I'll bet they could makie me do some funny as hell shit!" Heh! "Like make ya scratch yer nuts right in front of them. Doctor: see, this is the part of the brain that makes you aware you have a parasite. Hmm lets see mmmm yaaa...see how your scratchn your testicals there? Im tellin your brain that you have crabs. And some funny shit." Humor is how i deal with an awray of emotion's. I used to get myself smacked by my parents when i would totaly crack up when my little sisters took serious tumbles or do some stupid shit.. I can remember as far back as 5 seing my 2 year old sister tumble down the stairs. "Thats how Humpy Dumpty looked i'll bet!!"  And begin to gigel. That was just automatic. Then i would react like a big brother supposed to. Since then my since of humor, or i have been called " incensitive, morbid, disrespectful, evil, asshole, killer, awsome" to list a few. I prefer the term "Dry". The situation at hand, was winter was almost here. I figured around 7 grand would sustain my family and business by the time the snow flew, bottom line. I only had 4. Then there was the whole should i be hospitalized for to long i would not be able to afford to insure my family. The list went on and on. If i could just make it happen till the flakes came down, i would have steaks in the freezer and all winter to mess with the Doctor. While working in Boise this time, a thought that really had me by the short hairs ever since i realized. I am totaly 100% a red flag, a situation that screamed look out! It was one thing for me to risk my dumb ass. But to knowingly put those working with me at risk?!! I was breaking my own rules. Me, Mr Safety Chairman, Mr safty, safty safty!! I learnd with the carrier choises i had made that my jobs  #1 priority: To make it home safely at night. Did it not, then that ment i fucked up BAD. Me being the HNIC on my jobs, was now knowingly putting everyone at risk. And that is called gross negligents. I could,nt live with killin anyone while i was at the helm. But i also would not live with My family in a shelter of anykind. We had come up the hard way and lived in some real shitholes. Damn near orphans at times Never agian. "Savvey!!!"  My mind had begun a behavior a little while back of doing a "Systems check" Sortta like "Norton" does for virus.   Seemed like i would run "Norton" as soon as i awoke every morning and then in like 20 second intervols, there would be a couple of new viruses found. A new one found, was when i woke up to it feeling like i was sleeping in sand. I showered the night before. You can understand my alarm. That was sleepn in BVD's, what really sucked was when i put on some clean Arborwears. As if there wernt gona to be anythig new!,  it felt like i jumped into some drawers loaded with saw dust. That makes for a lousy ride. Another thing that really sucks is being totaly unable to feel the gas or brake pedals with the bottom of my foot any longer. What tells me that i even have my foot on eather is the feedback my knee sometimes all the way bak to the hip hip picks up. At times my foot fails to make the transistion from gas to brake and visa versa that results in some close calls and some choice words. Well, there was choice words the whole way back. Everything about that drive was misery. I simply could not get home fast enough. The Trackter i was towing saw to that in more than the obvious way. Somewhere just pst Tremonten a Simi trailer about drove up my ass all "Rusty Nail" like. "Candy Caine!?" i said as i saw his signal to pull over. Reluctantly i did so, when we stoped i watched as the driver jumped down from the cab.
After driving to the next exit and turing around. I needed back to the other side of Tremonten. One of the loading ramps had fallen of the back of the trailer and hit a car "She was probibly doin about 70 75?" thats what the Simi guy told me. I finaly found the gas station she was at. The ramp, i dont know how it did'nt kill her. The whole right side of the car was distroyed and her windshild sufferd the same.  Her plates sayed British Columbia and apperently they enjoy traveling in spandex short shorts and tanktops up there. Yeah! This delayed mte another 3 hours, visualy pleasantly. What really was getting to me was. A 80lb hunk of steel came off my rig and i with my ninja trained prowes did not see this happen i did'nt feelanything eather. Then there was the fact that a car (with a super hotie) came racen up on me and about got killed at the sametime! And i did not pick up on 1 scrap of it. Another situation that screamed Look out!

While in Boise, Elliot a friend of mine called "Hey little heebs, a good friend of mine has a big ol tree hangin like over his house. It's like ready to fall on his place any day now. You need to call this guy. The propertys at the top of Lambs canyon." The property was a family property so the job would pay well. It was it the woods so it would undboutably be a cut and leave. "Lambs? I'll bet it's a sub alpine fur. Thats really all there is besides aspen. The mans not gonna call for an aspen. It was another leed to go after. Alex from Tree Love called and he had a big ol Ash tree that needed surger m,...............................................................................................................................,y  he could use both Duane and i on. There was still nuts to be gathered before the big sno w

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