Friday, January 6, 2012

I've #2

"What huh?" All squinted eyed, the plane was empty, except for cleaning crew. It wasn't like me to black out by 10:00. But I was In the "Business/Pleassure" mode and it WAS Sunday which ment FootBall which menf my Saints and Brees, you know the tune. So it was Knob Creek and Coorse light all afternoon till Jetcity time. I cant recall check-in at all. I usually get the Business fro0m those TSA guys. I suppose If I were them ID have a hard-on for me too,seeing how I look like Tala-Ban. Comeing down the ramp  I was spying for a dude, wearing a bunch of $#@$%# shit. And there he was, a bit softer in apperence than I had imagend. Kind of a Clive Owen, Edward Burnsy with a Beetle Baley kind of akwardness in his posture, as it was proven true in most everything he did. Not to give the wrong idea. Aside from the sup's in the Salt lake branch, Toby w3as one of the first sup's in the different branches Ihad been to that did'nt use his position to "sit-back and watch. He was right there "elbows and assholes! right there with you. " Hey Toby!" kinda slurd like. "Hey Chris!" He was a pretty cordual dude. On the way to my VIP suite at the Holladay Inn express "Oh no way. How the hell did Boise get a Buffalo Wildwings befor Salt Lake?" I had been waiting ever so impatiently for BWW to get it's ass to Utah. I figured it mut have hed someting to do wiyh our goofy as hell bullshit liquor laws. The first time Ihad been to a BWW was with Kent one of my brother's. It was in Virginia Beach, and you talkabout some grub that'll make your tail wag! "Yeah it just went up a little while ago. Place is always busy. Is it any good?" Not to quick though. "I cant belive y'all aint been there." He got me to the hotel and showed me where my truck was parked, gave me the key "See ya in the morning" I smoked a few Marlboros, went to my "suite" turnd on some comedy central called in my wake upcalland slipt of to la la land.

Of all the states i've been to, idaho is easealy in my top three of favorets. I've spent a great sum of time in some super remote wilderness areas. The Payett, the Boise, the Sawtooth, the Salmon, McCall, Grangeville up into the pan handle. Just an awsome state, peroid. With awsome beers and liquor laws to boot. However this time my "remote widerness areas" were located on a grid of streets all the way from the Historic districts and the "J R Ewing looking lay outs in the farming areas to your typical suburbs. Now, the reason I was brought up here was for some hazard tree removal. The first job was removing two paper bark Birtch trees. They had to be climed,rigged  and drug out from the backyard. The trees wernt difficut per say,the fact of the matter was, I was in trouble. They took all damn day and they wore me down for the remaineder of my trip.  I was able to charge my cells with that little bit of down time over the weekend. But my bunneys drum was now a mild "Thud". My legs were...were just...Fcked up BAD! Felt like i was luggen a 50 Lb ball with me, not just everywhere, but with every motion i made. When the climbig, rigging and cutting were done, there was still alot of rounds to be hauled, debres to rake pavement and porches to blow off. Seemed like we were never gonna get out a there. Usually It's me being the clean-up over acheever, tool left behind triple checker. But all I could think about doing was finding a grave to burry myself in. Getting off the clock was so on my mind but that just wernt gonna happen, WE STILL HAD TO DUMP. On the way back to the shop "Oh hell ya!" Somehow the sight of that big'ol yellow sign with the winged buffalo put a grin on this kids face. "Buy you guys a beer!?" They both declined. One was doing the steps and the other one was a minor. "Thats cool." Hey man, if you ever feel like falling off the waggon, Wild Wings is a hell of a place to do it at!" I asked the supervisors if I could buy them a beer and they all declined. "Y'all got no sence." No less than ten minutes later I was throwin my ass down on a baar stool. Not my Salt lake usual here man,no, Fat Tire on draft and Knob were the flavors of the evening with a garnish of wings. "Oh hell ya!" As I've mentiond before, every drink I took was totaly taking life from me. I knew this. yet "Ignorence is bliss.." as I trew em back and tonight was monday, so I trew em back to my second team on Monday night Football. Fitzgerald had a pretty good game, and I felt pretty "good". Good enough to stop at the Mavrick on my way home for a 6er Fat Tire. Good enoughto thow back  4 of those, in my "suite". My time in hotel rooms has at times included large amounts of drugs and some huge partys but it hasnt ever included pay per view smut or ordering up some trim from every state iv'e been to. Nope , lately it's been some Stabler and Bensen action or comody cental. Although, I must confess, Im curious when Stabler,s gonna finely make Liv submit,like he wants her to, like he knows she wants to, like a mbgood girl should. Like a good girl better!! and. Whoa, Im so busted.

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