The term "Tree whore", I coined from my friend Mike Rogers and my time in the "Fire world". It works like this, super breifly. You get a job on a Fire Crew or as a single resource Fire Fighter for an agency such as, lets say the BLM. Your loal Dispatch center get an order to fill" From a reagonal Dispatch center, for in this case a "single Resourse" Fire Fighter, for a fire in Colorado. You are now an asset or a liability to that fire. You belong to that Fire. It behoov's one to bust ass no matter what type a resourse you are. For you are now in the "Fire World." Once the fire you are on begins to winde down. It (the incident team) begins to release resources from the fire. Usually the undsireableables first. The o0bject is to stay out (away) as long as you can. So, if you or your crew has maintained a very good reputation, odds are you've been able to stay committed to the fire. For Mop-up or Rehab. When it's time tobe released or "De-mobed" from that Fire, lets just say there is another Fire that is close by. And it needs a crew or single resource Fire Fighter. Guess where your going? This could happen for 21 days strate. We want this to happen 21 days strate. If your "In theblack" or burn area and the fire has not yet been controled and contained, you recive "Hazard pay" which is 25% of your regular hourly rate, per hour. Federal work to rest guide lines dictate a person must have one hour of sleep for every 2 hours worked. so, Its possible to work 16 hours a day. You better belive that almost all crews, PUSH 16 HOUR DAYS, HARD, ALL SUMMER LONG. With your first eight hours being "time and 1/4", your second 8 hours would be "time and 3/4". Hollidays are like going to Vegas. Your first 8 hours are "paid twice". You get the holliday worked, then you get holliday paid plus 25%. Thats "double time and 1/4, for your first 8. Your second 8 would be " time and 1/2" plus 25% (hazard) thats "time and 3/4s! Chaching chaching Chaching!!! A "Fire whore" is the term I first herd Mike Rogers use. One day at S.L.I.F.C. the Salt Lake Interagency Fire Center while doingsome work for "The Raven" "Damn Chris, you've been quite the Fire whore this summer. Getn some serious oat's (OT)?" Immediately I understood his refering to me as a "whore". Me being a tirst year "Projects" worker on the Salt Lake Ranger District. I had totaly made myself avalable for any and every Fire call. It was the whole reason for geting a job with the Forest Service. If being gone for every Fire made me a whore. "Fuck that man! Im a fuckn Fire porn star! I jam out with my clam out!! They keep fuckn callen me because they know I'll say YES!!" Thats where the term "Tree whore" came from..
A "Tree Whore" is a person very much like myself,( except I am now in the Sasha Gray catagory legendary' lol), who does anything to drum up some work up in the canopy. Knock doors, post ads, talk trees all day to anyone and everyone. All kinds of shit. The Bar has gotten me tons of work. And if I wasnt married tons of pooter! I never knew that alot of women find Tree MEN, so interesting and strong and so..interesting and so ..crazy and so (rubbing my leg now) "married" That puts them at bay....usually. As i was saying, Tree whores will work for any competitor if the price is right. Which it was and I did. I lost track of how many. It was a fuckn lot!! I made some excelent loot.
I was able to get some rest on saturday and a little on sunday that weekend. But sundayFootball,well, that ment the CanyonInn for shots,beers and my Saints! I remember the Saints won, my flight was at 9 and my contact upon arival was "Toby". "Toby, who the Fuck was he? I hope Tony warned em." I guess my flight was plesant. I passed out on my flight and was woken by the atendant. "Sir.Sir"
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