Really cool things were happening for me business wise. All the little bids or customers or consoltations, "seeds" Is what I referd to tem as.Well alot of those seed sstarted to sprout , at the same time! All over northern Utah. I really did'nt care where I "planted" them. Until the time came to give em some "water", or close the deals. I was writing down my mileage religiously, driving everywhere twice, sometiomes 3 or 4 times, to bid, to close, to do aditions. I think everyone has experenced the "Wall-mart coupon shoper", is what I call them. The custumers that want to "amend" the bid. Saying "You know I think we want to scratchthe bigTree" after that "Corporate theif" sat there and watched all work completed flawlessly the major surgery has already been preformed. Somtimes I know they are looking for a company to sue. I've learnd, that if your gut tells you"Ahhh, Hell No!" You better listen! I can vowch for possitive energy. Every contact or call or consoltation. No matter what, I made sure I got a smile or a laugh on every contact I made for Wasatch Urban Forestry (My company) Sure there are always haters, but not many here.
I keep saying "I", when it was more like "We". Duane DeBore, Wasatch,s first employee. Duane had been along time friend. From The Belgian waffel 24 hour house days, drink coffee,smoke, drink more coffee, go get stoned. And yet more coffee, usually by this time the late nighters were all but gone. Lowrey or Walley, the cooks, would begin the nightly pillage of the nitris tank (WAHH WAHH WAHH WAH! lol) The be the first chair for fresh face shots at Brighton days. The earn your turns days. Duane stands about 6'3", a little on the anorexic side but sinewy built , with a bald ass head and creepy long alian looking fingers. He's another "rubber band" man, born to climb. He had began an "apprentiship" with Brock Jones of Apical tree care. Brock had subd me out to do some climbing for him. Duane, remineded me so much of myself at various stages of my "rigging" carrer. His thirst for knowlege was unquenchable. These are precisely the people we NEED more of in our industry. Duane and I began working together on some of my jobs. Brock got butt hurt yada yada yada! I turned Duane out" so to speek. And so began Duanes transformation into a "Tree Whore" Duane's the only person I ever felt good about leaving jobs with. I could go do my 9-5 and also know "Wasatch" was up and running as well. The fact Duane was my friend kinda kept me a little sceptical. His work ethic was excelent, which these days is so hard to come by. In the Arborist business or Tree business as it were, it is very difficut to train someone or even want to train somebody. The job entails endless hours of draging and chiping brush. After it has been determined your not affraid of doing this sun up to sun down. And provided you havent run yourself through the chipper. I'll teach ya to run "Pepe" the baby chainsaw. If your doing everything right I bump you up to the bigger chainsaw and I'll start getting you involved in some rigging and lowering. Usually my elpers remain groundmen, as it's obvious they dont understand the dynamics or geometry involved in the art of rigging. "But I want to climb! I know I can climb!!""Ok, what cha gonna do when you get there?" People actualy thing Im going to put them in the air! There are some people who hve "talked me into it Man!" Only to have me try to talk them back down the tree. Due to there inability to function at the top, of the bottom 1/3 of said tree. Fellas that "have been climbing for years!" All you gotta do is put them in the air! If you dare! With Duane I sorta dared. His first time climbing "I fell about 20 feet." the way I had interprited the "skinny" was Duanes boss Brock had kinda dared Duane up that tree with condasending type talk. Then left Duane alone on the job. So, what did Duane do? Put on a saddel a pair or hooks (gaffs) In tennis shoes I might add. Gassed up a trim saw and went for it."Kinda a pride thing" At this point Duane was on the losing side of statistics, he fell. He landed Flat on his feet. Now, Duanr cant walk right any more. The arch in his right foot broke. The point im trying to make is, I had found my trainable Forman.
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