Wouldnt ya know it if lots of travel was in the cards. It was such an ass saver to have Duane to deligate responsibilitys to. Situations like this would have surely cost me some of MY customers. Now I could leave town if I had too, work would continue and not miss a beat. Bad ass! My 9-5 had informed me via three-way, I woud be departing for Boise, Idaho on Monday. "Shit!" It was a good thing I had a couple of days to wrap some things up and line Duane out on some work at Mrs Howell's property. "Lovies house!"Is how I refered to her as. Sometimes I would look at Duane ande in the Thursden fasion "Lovie!!...would you pleazze touch my Ballzz!!?" We quiet with this though, she was a sweet ladie. Ms Howell is a widow, wnos second husband left her set up FAT when he passed away. She had to be sittin on an acer and a half in the Walker Lane area. And it was filled with all kinds of trees and shrubs. Different kinds of Maples, lidins, Redbuds, Whitebubuds, a big ol blue spruce and manymany7 more. If you asked me, the "prize Trees" on her property were the two White Ash trees. Particularly the one in the backyard. I remember walking the property with her for the first time. "Holy-" "-Shit! Ya, thats what everyone says when they walk this place with me. So! What month are you gonna give me!? Whant to move in!?" She basicly sold the job to me! She was my kind a customer! The fact of the matter was,, so far, she had shelled out a hell alot of capital. It was her account that put the down payment on my new Dodge. "project propertys" were always welcome. They were the jobs that earnd notiryity and usually an endless amount of leeds. They also brought on a different sort-a problem. A great problem to have. The magic involved in keeping the "Machine" runing was huge enough as it was. Somehow I conjured up some more to fit Ms Howell in the fold. "Listen, do anything you want..spend some time...Do not touch the Ash in the back yard. That one is mi9ne!" Were the instructions I gave Duane, as we walked the property. "Im flying to Boise for a few days. I guess they have some serious hazard trees need to be handeld." "Right on man! Dont worry about a thing, everything will be on the tip-top." I loved that about Duane
JD and I, were working right on the east edge of Sugarhouses "food district" on a large scale removal project on one of the commercial accounts my 9-5 was responsible for. There was..."a funken ton of wood Steve! There is no ay in hell this job's gettn done before I leave monday, I dont care if you send the whole shop up here." I had told them 2 days ago, when we bagan the project. "For this to be efficent, we need 2 chip trucks, one dumping at all times. We need 2 climbers and 2 groundmen. Thats 6 people." I got 3. At that point "If they dont care then I dont care." It had become thesummers theem. "What ? Whats going on man?" J had walked over to see what was going on. "Im being flown to Boise on Monday." "Dude! I Want to fly to Boise! How come I dont ever get to travel!? What the fuck am I gonna do!? Who in the fuck are they gonna give me while your gone!? I,ll have to admit JD was 100% pleading my case for me. "I,m kinda currious about that myself?. Cease the oppertunity J!!" Honistly I really did'nt give a rats ass. Today I was feeling so weak,. Walking had become "dragn my ass" everywhere. Tree that I normaly would have "ran-up" began to feelmore like the top was 200 feet away instead of the actual 20 that it really was. Thjat morning, It my toes felt as if my big toes were where my little toes were supposed to be. Backwards. J had also mentioned "Dude you need a long vacation! And I think you'll start feeling better" " I know, but winter is so close! If I can just make it to the end of the season, then I.ll go to the Doctor" "If you make t to the end of the season!" "No shit, Im starting to get scared We are supposed to wrap things up by 4 so were back to the shop no later than 5." Policy" usually dictated that all jobs were to be cleand up at the end of a work day. "Bullshit!! Buch a blue collerd loggers!!? Aintb gonna happen jiim!! "JD, Its your show while Im gone! Dont kill anyone...or yourself for that matter." We made it back to the shop by 7:00
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