Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I've #6

In the north east part of the Salt Lake vally is located the oldest University west of the Missisory river. Nestled all around the Universy of Utah is the area known as the Ave's. Historicly this was know as a lower income living back in the day. Interestingly enough, this area became a Historical area and has been registerd as so. Some really uniqe turn of the centry structures has lead to the folks who reside here to do some very spendy Restoration projects. Along with the Hansel and Grettle esq housing is a trove of trees planted from the days of old. Common are the sycamores, Ash and Maples that line the parking strips. There is also quite a few ornamentals that have been researched extencively by the arbor adoring resident/community, BEFORE, ground was broken and the sapling was destined for doom. Which makes that location a real pleasure to work in. Many times was i being tested about what pest, desease, fungi......std! the damn thing had. Already knowing what it had. Other times its "How did we get a fungus?" "You must not be using protechtion...." Its an ice breaker and a way for me to gauge my clientel. And in the Ave's folks seem to apreciate a sence of humor. Its just a fun place to work and be in the Salt Lake area. Al of Tree Love tree care managed to sniff out a treasure of an Ash (lol)  It was in serious need of weight reduction or the risk of losing a large amount of award winning structure was imminant. I got out my throw line and a 8oz throw weight. When setting a climb line, im not just looking for the highest strong crotch im also looking for the crotch that alows for the best access to 360d degrees of the tree. We call this locating your "purches point" and to hit one of these with a throw line....Fly Fishing's for pussys in comparesin.  After getting set up for the toss i gavemy sweet spot a quick glance and with a few swings with my arm i let the last swing be the big one and at the endof the swing there is a snap of a wrist and release. And even in my pathetic condition "I fucken hit it! on my first try even!" Which ment I get to climb first and set Duanes line for him too. I was actually able to reachthe top pretty quickly, got Duanes line set and we were business. Now, this Ash tree was not a huge tree, but it was large enough to be tag teamed and wraped up in....half a day with 2 in the air?...Nope. With me suffering from "mongolian butt fungus" or what ever i had. Duane's not a "Green horn" but he does move slower," he'll get quicker with more time in the saddle" still his pace is much Quicker than mine. This was not an all day tree!, yet "Today it sure as hell is!!" I found it very difficut to maintain a leval working platform with my legs.Seemed like every time i got into a level position to work, one or sometimes both legs would kinda 'deflate" or fail.Good thing chain saw use was at  a minimum.  And of course the fatigue from hell i was fighting through was kickn my ass like Forest Griffin. The harder i fought the fatige would bust out some Ju-jit-su and make my efforts all for not. It was early fall so temps were making there final seasonal decent, yet it felt as if it were the dead of summer. Somehow i hit the earth before Duane. Had a couple of Boros. I just could not disasociate the pain of the glowing orange hot "shard of steel" i visualized up my ass, that was now morphing into a orange hot ballon. I hurt so bad, crying an option but out of the question. It really felt like i had to piss fire as well! Agian a "measley squirt o piss...What in the hell?" Ziped er up and sat back down. My mind now reaching for the "Banyo incedent in Boise" "Dear loard baby Jesus, please dont let me shit myself here on this job...or ever agian!..please? So i began to help drag brush and clean up, thats when Alex piped up. "Duuuuuude Chris are you alright man!?" "Im just super tierd man."" Dude your walkin like you've been breakkkin broncos your ewhole life"" Al, thats how i feel and i dont even ride fuckn bulls..." Haunched over against a fence now. I could hardly even coil up my Poison Ivy. "Tell ya what dude, you stay and chip and we'll make the drag,cool?" All i could do is node my head asif in defeat. "You were in the air all day, we'll get it duuuuuude." Whith his San Luis fashon and grin. Man i must look like a seriously hurtin unit if Al's tellin me to hang back. Al like most of us had drive, sometimes analy so. "Hoo-Ra" Is all i could think of to mutter. Ok so I confess im a SEAL wanna-be, never was but Man! the choises i could have made in my life. As we began the final clen up Al was ready to pay up. "Al I'll take half my rate i only gave half my normal production." "You sure man??" "Yeah man, thats fair isnt it?" "Totally" And with that i took Duane and my sorry ass to Tony's for a "Turkey Tony's to cheep for Knob or makers." "Thats Lame" "Yeah...................lame."

Finely Horney" as Elliot had stated and I were able to schedual an appointment to meet at the top of  "Fucken Lambs Canyon, Man! The price of disel i better land this fish." This would be another "prize jewel" of a job being on the edge of National Forest and the fall colors were making there apperence. There was nothing like being up in the air, enveloped, in a sea of different colored aspen clones. Remembering my days on the Wasatch Helitack/Rappelers and flying all over the Wasatch Cache and Uinta National Forests. Being so fortunate with that carrier also came a grip of fringe bennifits. Flying fire in that sea of colors was one of them. Then there was my rock climbing days that ceast due to my profestional tree climbing carrier. As far back as i can remember being in the colors and elements really got me off.

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