Sunday, July 1, 2012

So wont cha ;4

We got into see Dr Z about two weeks after the ER visit. We met yet another Dr at this appointment. Dr Ren. It was now time to get the drugs. Gabapentin, baclifen, anti depressants pills to help me pee, pills to help me sleep pills pills pills pills pills. I was givin a list of differnt kinds of MS spicific Auto immune Drugs and told to "choose one" withn exception to a drug called Tysabri. It was explained to me thatTysabri is more or less the "big gun" in the MS world. "We generally use that drug if the others dont work. There are risks with Tysabri." That left me a few other alternatives .
A drug called Avonex is an IM (Inter muscular) shot 'You administer to yourself." There was another drug called Rebif "It's a sub cutanius shot you also self administer every other day." There was a couple others that wernt even discused. It was really quite odd "pick one"  How in the hell was i supposed to know which one to use. The Dr's were a little reluctant to help me pick one. It was decided Rebif would be the best for me. Dr Ren made the comment that "Youve gotta be the most cavaler patient ive ever met. Usually people are having a break down and crying. You got this fearless attitude." Ignorence i suppose. Looking back it's the best attitude i could have had. They also scedualed another MRI a few months down the line.
For the next few months Ms and i engaged in battle. My will versus a chicken shit alement created by a Condesending  Creator.
And for awhile it was to work as usual. Or as best as i could. Like i sayed there was a grip of symptoms to deal with. I could go on and on with those. Defience it seems was part of the mold i was sent to this earth with. Made my handelers mad as hell, had this not been apart of my spirit i would have been a true bitch to my new cell mate named Sclrosis (scares).

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