Sunday, July 15, 2012

I see ;2

As the winter was turning  to spring so to did the work start to make its annual change. Every year it goes like this: By the end of January finances are begining to dwindle, tax returns cant get processed fast enough. When they do get here, they're spent in like, last year! So now the work's gotta pick up "Or we're screwed"' By the last week of Febuary, you've convinced yourself 'Im goin outa buisness!" March gets here and a couple of jobs get sold "Its so slow" you say. Next thing you know, you cant get  shit done fast enough. Before you know it its August and works tapered off. Being that it's me, my crew will have just enough time to tap and shot themselfs out all there funds. Then the fall gets here  and it's back in the saddel.
It was around March i was supposed to go in for an MRi and work was starting to pick up for both buisnesses. Great jobs for Wasatch Urban. I had a loyal clientel rolling, just Beautiful to watch somthing you've put so much love into grow. Suckes when its growing and yer not.
Dr Bob had procured Wasatches sevices. It was this job that would be the last time i would totaly clean up a tree. It was a Honey locust, i was able to move relitively well though. But it was on this job the bladder problem returned. It would feel like i had to pass a stone. I would drop everything i was doing to find anywhere i could to let my pice breath flames and agian a few squirts was all. Go back to what i was doing and the flames would just breath on there own. So i would just have to work through it, smell, wet pants and all. Bengal Blvrd Market being a few streets over was a place i was always at for the Banyo. This is where i would just break down and lose it. "How can i fix this!?" I would plead and sob to myself.
The MRI was a day after Dr Bobs's job was completed. When i showed up at Radiology the Tech "Mr Reid, we have you scedualed for the Marathon, Head, C-spine, T-spine and pelvis. You'll be in there for around 6 hours." I ABOUT SHIT. Then she made some calls. "K i got rid of the pevic section but where still looking at around 4 hours." It was still realy overwhelming. "I dont know how im gonna stay still for 4 hours." Pissing or snhiting myself  in the capsule was a very real fear. I was also experencing involintary twitches all the time. (spasims)
This MRI was a nightmare. I made it 45 minutes and then the spasims began. Small ones at first, sudden twiches at first. The tech would chime in on the Black crows, "Chris we need you to stay as still as possible." "Man, in sorry, i'll try to do better."
Then it went from subtle to wild. A leg would just kick, or an arm would spaz the same way. Agian a Tech would interupt the tunes, this time a woman, "Chris you need to stay still" Frustation in her voice "Im so sorry, im trying" About 20 more minutes went by, agian my body started doing the spaz thing "Chris!! You got to stay still!!" this time i could hear anger "Im tryig!!" You fuckn bitch i mutterd under mybreath. "There is no point in you even being here ifb your gonna move around like you are!!" "Lady" waterworks began, "Im doing everything possible to fucken stay still" sobbing "I dont fuken know how to stop!! Dont you fucken people understand!!? If i could, i fucken would bitch!!!" I roared. Aint life grand returned to the head set for about 20 seconds. This time a dude chimed back over Widespread "What can i do to help you. i was burning up inside that thing. "Im burning up in here." He paused the cycle, ejected me from the capsul, came out and pulled the sheets off me " Calm down Chris just do the best you can to stay still man." "IM sorry im loosing it, i don't know how to stop this.." Trying to gain control of myself. "You never should have been scedualed for all this at once. And you probibly should have had some valume to keep those spazums down. We have twenty more minutes and then i inject you with some contrast ink, we,re almost done. Can you hang in there?" "I can, i dont know about the rest of me....?" "Ok here we go" and inserted me back into the capsul. From that point i still had spazums but not near what they were.
With every thing complete, the capsul spit me back out once agian and dude returned to yank the ink line out of my arm. It was then that i realized that i was just saturated with sweat. When i came out of  the chamber i was looking for that voice that just got me livid as all hell. She was nowhere to be seen. "Thats that bitch outa here..."  I do alot of muttering. Guy told me my doctor would be intouch in a week to scedual results.
 Agian another non life or death situation that left me feeling as though i owened the definition to the word pussy. It was a hard one to swallow. Thank god i was alone.

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