Thursday, November 10, 2011

Trouble continued

For most  of August I arose and past out with "These feet!" that felt as if i had sand in them. Seemed like i was always tierd."Man! I need some days off bad!" And I did, i was on day 35, no days off! "Man work to rest guidlines are out the door here." And they were. I just did'nt care. I had just gone "Bonafied" and i had a greeat many "Prospects". So many in fact, i was contiplating leaving $#@$%# ahead of my own little logistic timetable. I was stacking up bid after bid after bid and sold after sold after sold. I am a firm believer in "Word of mouth sales its self" it was rioght up there with "The only easy day was yesterday" . When you work like that, the shit SALES IT'S SELF!  I was having a hell of a time running bids for $#@$%# and running my bids. IN fact it had all become one big house of cards. "Sooner or later..." I had helped $#@$%# build up a very loyal clientel and good reputation. That ment job security, which is right where you want to be. Right?   Well i had been flying uder the radar with my owen siders and built my own client list. Let me mention now that I infactHAVE NEVER poached work from$#@$%#. My "contract climbing" was smokin it. Many other companys in the vally and out of state, were willing to pay my daily rate to do nothing but climb and do rigging. About a month earlyer.. " I DID IT! I finely dun did dun did!" My Cummins! 3500, megacab, 4|4, Duley screamn "i'll rip your trucks overies out, Redneck Cadilack! It only cost me my Tacoma and 400 bucks a month. "More money, more stress just another couple of card's in the house". Originaly, the Taco was'nt supposed to go anywhere, except to my son. It was paid for and ran great! Tay knew he was next in line to have the beloved Taco.; Imagine the heartbreak and disgust!, when he saw the new Dodge sitting in the driveway and no Tacoma. It sucks, but it had to be done. Jobs were getting really big, and i was begining to shell out some serious coin to other "venders" to haul all debris from my "side jobs". Finely after giving away over a grand! one month. I just wernt gonna give away that kinda dough anymore.I went Big I pland to buy Tay a better Taco anyway. it was part of the "deal" i brokered with myself in my own head. I had dune that with alot of shit to make all this happen. Mark, one of my mentors taught me that one: "Jim, in this buisness your eather growin, or your goin ".. aint gotta tell me twice!

A  week or so  went buy, that feeling on the bottoms of my feet had gone ahead and incorporated ALL of my feet, it was crawing up my tib-fib to my knees. And not in any uniform fashon. "Funny" i thought aloud one morning while changing into my boots. Jd had overherd my verbal thought as he walked by me on the loading dock, i was sitting on the steps, he nelt down beside me. "Dit go away?" "Na it's doin some weird shit,  it's kinda creepn up my leg now". Sometimes it felt as though it was weaving around up my calf on the left leg, some how it's doin the same thing on my right, only on the shin area. "What do you mean weaving around? It changes?" "Its fuckn weird man, its like i got ivy growing up my leg man." 'Like ivy?"  It's the only thing i could think of to explain what i was feeling. As a tree I imagind would feel when those dumb ass's let ivy vines craw up the trunks of there trees for that "Realy green look". Ivy, if alowed to grow, will eventualy kill its host. It suffocates and finley chokes it's host to death. Like i could feel where the "vines" were on my leg becase it felt all tight, my muscle my circulation even the hairs on my legs. There was also a feeling of  "openess" where the "vines" were not. In patchy zones all around my calf, i could feel tightness let up,could feel where my leg hair rooted.
One of a great plethera of memorys that come to mind, vividly, as always Durring a congigal visit one morning. I was in  "stride" alot! longer than my useual  "2 minutes". Teri had managed to entice "our" intrest this AM. Responsibilitys were pressing today, so this needed to be a "quicky" morning. However junior!" had other plans. "SO weird" I would think and say to myself, for a myrid of reasons. If only I knew. The weird issue at hand was, I COULD NOT FEEL MY " UNIT" . Lucky you darlin! Thats right! Take it all! Is what I should be doing? Right? Wrong. Im no porn star, but dude! i had absoluty no energy. "Guess what baby?" She had the energy for the finish, and somehow....itjust...sorta ...came outa me. After word durring a little "pillow talk", I was telling her how icould'nt really feel "IT". Her reply: "Babe, when your inside me. I feel absolutly nothing!" and erupted with laughter. "No Ter im serious! "Your feet arnt gettn any better, babe?" Shaking my head "No and now this." We kept thinking, that if i could get some good night sleep with outy the"Knob" i could begin to recover some feeling. That did'nt seem to be working. When i got up to rinse off, " o0k this is fuckin weird" I could feel my nuts doing there thing, bobn around slap aganst my legs and whatnot. My legs were not registering the feeling of any nuts. Nore was my unit sending that diagnotic systems "check" back to my brain. My brain was saying "Dude, we got a "chip light" on our jettisen load. Instinktivly i would grab my unit . This happend alot. And not all football coach like eather!


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