JD and I really loved our jobs. Well, at least I did. We also loved Marlboro Lights in a box, this Duramax with a kickin AC, and music, we love our radio. Thats what were all about when we,re in transit from job to job. Haulin ass , jamn loud and chain smokin. Really, all we're missin is a Jolly Rodger flag on our antana. Steve my boss, has considerd using JD and i as collectors on large bnalances owed. Seeing as we appear to be our companys "Talaban". Its kinda a joke around the shop.
It was one morning while out on our "ship". I was really smokin em, and thinkin real hard on what I could do next. Aside from goin to the hospital. It was that word hospital, that spawnd my next thought. "Ofcourse, Dr "Bob!". I was introduced to the Doc at the watering hole that I deemd Mine." Funny" I always thought to myself. The dude would come sit at the bar, order a Coke sometimes a pizza, chat it up with everyone, leave who ever was working the bar, usually it was Matt, a FAT tip and he was gone just a casually as he came in. The story behind the Doc was simple. The Doc is a cancer specialist a very good one from what i understood. Seems the Doc had a bit of a problem with the booze. At some point he said to himself "Enough". Got sober and decided upon having a family. And beutiful one at that. Dr Bob became one of MY most loyal clients. He loved his trees. He and Ali his wife, had quite a chunk of property. It was two lots that were combind into one. There was a great many trees, but he was illiterate when it came to speeking the "Languge" to his trees. So after doing a little asking around, my name was brought up. Bob approached me one day. Kinda scared the shit out of me. I was just sittin there. All of the sudden from behind me, in a very firm but friendly voice "Helloo Chriss!" It was super unexpected seeing how i wasnt there with anybody. If i remember correctly, beer came out of my nose. From that point on Dr Bob became my client and friend. And I, proud to be Dr Bobs "Tree whisperer."
I was a little reluctant to bother him with a non paying inquiry. But I was getting desperite. "Hell with it" as I scrolled down to his number. "Helloo Chris!" In his customary warm greeting. "Hey Doc!, Bob Im sorry to bother you." After explaining what had been going on with my feet, signs symptoms, the whole overall systems check and my on going assesments. "Oh yeah, I noticed that when I dont drink, things seem to back off a bit. I took a blood sugar test thinking I might be Diabetic. But the test said negative. Doc is there any possible direction you might be able to send me in? Im desperite Doc.""Chris" he began. "This is from one friend to another. I see you at the canyon alot. So you must drink quite a bit?" " Well yeah..I do my share" "Yes Chris, but you do drink alot...dont you?" "Yeah I have probibly a little drinking problem." This is not the way this whiskey drinker wants the conversation to go. "Chris," He paused breifly then began agian "I think your drinking has finely caught up with you. I might guess, your suffering from nerve damage.Alcoholics can suffer this problem." "Are you serious?" "Totaly. So if I were you Id knok that stuff off for a while." "What would you say? A month, maybe two?""Try a year maybe two." "Holy shit!" "Chris, if its nerve damage. It took you years and years of serious drinking to get to this point. It did'nt just happen overnight. Yeah, the Doc had a point. I guess the booze was gonna have to stop. Heeh, ya right..
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