Saturday, November 19, 2011


When I was a young lad, my friends and I would go out in the woods and play "soldier" guy". Amongnst other things, I would always make sure my team was safe, buy being the "medic". As much as I loved the "Covert-opp's" p[art of war, i was always impressed with the extra equipment the Medic carried.  I also learned, that in thew movies, If you were hurt, you got morphine! So ya, we were "high", what ever that's was supposed to feel like. I can also remember my Dad. He was always so precise with his movements when he would preform "surgery" i.e remove slivers) .When I honestly think about it, It was the serious attention that he paid to what he was doing that left such an impression on me. Damn near sniper like. His tools of choice, tweezers and a needle. He also was an excellent extraction specialist. He took good care in the tying knots. Not just on teeth either. When he w0ould set up fishing tackle, in an almost medatative state. It was li9ke he had received his Doctorate in Knots. Ahhh! Therein lies the answer. Dad, was an "Eagle Scout" He was also quie accomplished with the needel and thread. It seemed he knew more than mom on the subject... Yeah, my PA was a true McGyver. Something I had always prided myself on.
I guess thats kinda what I was doing. Except I was only masking my issues with booze. It was my Swiss Army knife. But i was being proactive, in my McGyver fashon. I was driving to work one morning. Kinda rolling through my Medical refferance book in my head. I had been an EMT and acheived my solo-EMT, i was always trying to keep up with the most current stuff, especialy that pertained to my line of work. But numb feet usually ment frozen or wet feet. It crossed my mind that perhaps the booze was finely takin it's toll, like I'd been worned, so many times. Then the thought of Diabetes came across my mind. "Diabetics can get edema if things arn't cool. I wonder what the onset of edema feels like? Shit! what does edema feel like!?  Ok, if i have Diabetis. Then a blood sugar test will tell me that. And Matty B is Diabetic! He's got all that shit!" When i got to work, I made sure i punched in and booked it for the sales office.

Matty was at his desk checkn out the sports page and doin his BS before he began his day. "Sup Chris" "Matt dude, you gotta help me man". I began about my feet. "Sthat shit still buggin ya man?" I forgot that I had mentioned something about it to him when it first began."Ya man, fuckn, Im wondering if I have Diabetes dude. Do you know what edema feels like?" "Nah,dude,if you got Diabetes and you got edema. cYour in pretty bad shape". He got his "rig" out . It contained everything he needed. He got the digital tester a blood strip and the finger pricker. Kida funny, it took a few times and a few different fingers, finely a pinkey finger gave up the goods. "Caleses" I said..."But you wouldnt know anything about that! Would you?" "Fuck off!" He took the little strip and diped it in the speck of blood, he then put the stip infront of the digital reader. The little contraption did its work almost instatly. "Alright dude, this number is saying there is no way you have Diabetes." He went on to give me a re-hash on Diabetes. Blah blah blah blah, is all I herd. I almost wished that little gadget would have told I was n Diabetic. At least the Mystery would be over and I could start making things happen. So these DAMN FEET!, could start feeling normal agian.

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